Our Prayers are with you 

Dear God,
We place our sick under your care and humbly ask that you restore your servants to health.

Richard Beck
Dolores Bernardin
Mary Broda
Douglas Brown
Vince Canzonetta
Vera Ciavaglia
Robert Danowski
Carmela DiPaolo
Ron Dorogi
Linda Dreyer
Larry Goebel
Richard Green
Robert Green
Dolores Hnot
Eva Litwin
Lila Litwin
Max Moe
Olga Nebesio
Marlene O’Neill
Lois Hasper-Palmer
Cindy Pask
Eugene Pietrzen
Edward Scott
Henry Staunton
Fran Wozniak


Please remember in prayer those parishioners listed above. Names will run for that given month. 
To re-list or add names for the month please call the parish offices.

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