Last Sunday, we selected the membership for the new Parish Pastoral Council. Six seats were filled, three from each of our existing parishes. We are blessed to have excellent candidates from each parish. On every parishioner’s behalf, I want to thank the eleven men and women who volunteered to serve. The following is the membership of the new Pastoral Council:

One Year Term Two Year Term  Three Year Term
Lynn Downey Janeen Bodary Patricia Ayland
Matt Zipple Patricia Urban Michael Burke
Matt Straley Virginia Blow Larry Kosiba
Joe Walsh Theresa Skora

Also serving on the council is Brian Harris, this year’s Chair of the Finance Council. The new members will be introduced to the current Council on January 22nd at the regular Joint Pastoral Council meeting. Our Congratulations to all our term holders and alternates. There is plenty of work to go around for everyone and I appreciate all who are willing to help.

One of the priorities of our parish is to promote Catholic education for all ages. A critical segment of our parish population is, of course, our youngsters! Parents have the responsibility to teach and train their children in the practice of their Faith. This is an awesome privilege as well as a challenge. But they have help from the parish. Both in the Religious Education program and in our neighboring Catholic elementary schools, the Church and our parishes offer structured ways of teaching and conveying the Faith.

This weekend we want to focus on our two neighboring and excellent Catholic Schools. Both St. Sebastian and Sacred Heart Schools have Open Houses next Sunday, January 27th. Sacred Heart preschool, kindergarten and first grade have Open House on Tuesday, January 22nd. Parents, grandparents and interested parishioners are welcome. I encourage all to take time to learn more about these precious gifts in our community. To help us begin, two parish families with children attending Sacred Heart School will be speaking at our Masses. St. Sebastian has also included a flyer in our bulletin.

Let us all pray and support young families and all our parish children in their learning the ways of Christ! 
Have a great week.


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